Researchers are spying on your tweets, the New England Journal of Medicine
formaldehyde study is shown to be nonsense yet again, a judge in New
York has been smart enough to declare that vaping is not smoking, a new
campaign draws attention to the collateral damage from public health’s
war on smoking, more evidence-based rationality emerges from the UK,
we’re given a glimpse of more dangerous anti-vaping lunacy from Finland
and journalists are given a much-needed dose of common sense on the
(non) issue of “e-cigarette battery explosions” – it’s the Week in
E-Cigarette Research
Formaldehyde in E-Cigarettes Tackled by Competent Researchers
From Gillman, et. al. (2016) Results for the CE4 and Subtank.
Yet another study has demonstrated the serious issues with the conclusions drawn by the infamous New England Journal of Medicine
formaldehyde study. Researchers tested five different atomizers – a
CE4, Protank, Gladius, Nautilus and Subtank – at various wattages, with
most tanks being tested using an iTaste VV but the Subtank being tested
with a DNA 40 at higher wattages. The results showed that more capable
atomizers – where dry puffs were unlikely due to the effective wicking –
produced less formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acrolein, with the Subtank
producing just 0.34 micrograms of formaldehyde at 25 W compared to 8.5
micrograms per puff with the CE4 at just 5.3 watts. This drives home the
problems with the NEJM study in spectacular fashion. The study got some reasonably positive coverage in Vice.
Boring But Useful Study May Allow More Detailed Evaluations of E-Cig Emissions
Researchers from Fontem Ventures have developed a method
for measuring volatile organic compounds in e-cig vapor in “real-time,”
which would allow for studies into the puff-by-puff variation in the
chemical composition of e-cig vapor. This is one of those studies that’s
pretty important when it comes to advancing understanding of the
science behind vaping, but isn’t particularly exciting for
non-researchers. premium online e liquid juice has a write up of the study, if you’re interested.
Tanks Are Better Than Cartomizers for Consistent Nicotine Delivery
A study from Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos
– which was first released last month – shows that tank-type atomizers
offer more consistent nicotine delivery than cartomizers, and has now
been announced with a press release from the journal Addiction.
The decision to publish a press release shows the importance of the
study, particularly due to the requirement for consistency in nicotine
delivery as part of the EU’s Tobacco Products Directive.
Spying on Vapers’ Tweets
Researchers at the NYU Langone Medical Center have been looking at huge numbers of tweets
with hashtags like #vape #ecigs and #ejuice in the hope of inferring
who is using them to quit smoking, who uses them for other reasons and
how they’re being marketed. In other words, we can expect to see a
“e-cigs are marketed to teens, who aren’t even trying to quit smoking”
headline soon based on some spurious analysis of tweets.
Why You Shouldn’t Trust Headlines Based on Cell Studies of E-Cig Vapor
Brad Rodu has published an informative blog post
about the recent spate of scaremongering headlines based on laboratory
studies of the effects of e-cigarette vapor on cells in petri dishes. In
short, the post points out that human bodies are much more complex than
these artificial experiments, and are generally considerably more
resistant to low doses of chemicals.
He writes:
should not be fooled by the irresponsible transformation of weak
cause-and-effect analyses into hypothetical illnesses. Largely harmless
products can be portrayed quite readily as dangers – coffee, for
example, has not been linked to any serious disease, but one could point
to lab studies showing that coffee kills cells (here and here) and promotes cancers (here). These claims would have about as much scientific credibility as the current claims against e-cigarettes.
Legislation, Regulation and Vaping Bans
NY Judge Rules Vaping is Not Smoking
In New York state, a court has ruled that vaping is not smoking,
and therefore the ban on smoking across the state does not
automatically apply to vaping. The case involved a man who received a
citation for vaping on a subway platform, but challenged the decision.
The judge pointed out that New York law defines smoking as “the burning
of a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or any other matter or substance
which contains tobacco,” online e liquid juice and this is clearly not applicable to vaping.
In New York City, there is a law specifically including vaping in the
smoking ban, but the judge ruled that, at state level, existing law
doesn’t cover vaping.
More Vaping Bans
Orange County will be proposing a ban on vaping
in areas where smoking is already banned this year, accompanied by the
usual statements about the potential for health risks to bystanders and
the children. Coralville, Iowa is considering doing the same thing, and will vote on the proposal on Tuesday night.
Utah E-Cig Taxation Madness
the proposal in Utah to introduce an 86 % tax on vaping products and
the “Students Against Electronic Vaping” group busing in school students
to support the tax, there have allegedly been some threats
against the group’s members from members of the Utah Vapor Association
and the Utah Smoke Free Association. Why this would have happened is
anyone’s guess; it’s hardly like the bunch of misled students is going
to shape the decision.
Michelle Minton has written a great post
over at the Competitive Enterprise Institute about Utah’s raft of
irrational, unnecessarily burdensome proposals to tax vaping and ban
vaping for anybody under the age of 21. She draws attention to the
declines in smoking accompanying the rise in vaping among Utah youth,
and quotes Jeff Stier, who hits the problem with taxing vaping on the
head: “If the point of a sin tax is to discourage behavior, why would
you put a sin tax on e-cigarettes, which are the alternative to
SEVIA USA Formed to Combat E-Cig Regulation
Chinese manufacturers Aspire, Kanger, Innokin and Smok have formed SEVIA (Shenzen Electronic Vaporizer Industry Association) USA
with the help of Dimitris Agrafoitis and Phil Busardo, with the hopes
of helping on the front-lines against the excessive and needlessly
burdensome regulation proposed for vaping products in the US.
Australia Needs to Learn From the UK on Vaping
A guest post on AE Smokes Files from Terry Barnes
urges sensible regulation of e-cigarettes in Australia, drawing
attention to the UK’s forward-thinking approach with regards to the
technology and the perils of just assuming they’re dangerous and
imposing stringent regulations just because you can.
News, Blog Posts and Other Stuff
A new campaign – No More Casualties
– has been launched by NotBlowingSmoke and its creator Stefan Didak,
aiming to draw attention to the potential consequences of the continuous
spread of misinformation about vaping. Special interest groups like the
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and ones who should be more
objective, like the CDC and the California Department of Public Health
have been pushing an extremely misleading message that vaping is as
harmful as smoking in the aims of protecting “the children,” while
completely ignoring the disastrous effects it could have on adult
smokers. The campaign sums it up: “Don’t make me a casualty of your war
on smoking.”
A briefing on e-cigarettes
for stop smoking services in the UK has been released, which continues
in the impressively rational take on the issue of vaping. Clive Bates
has a blog post on it, entitled “Blending evidence and empathy”
– which really hits at the core of what those opposed to smoking need
to do when it comes to vaping – and Dick Puddlecote has a post entitled “Slaughtering Sacred Cows”
which focuses on the various ways in which the report skewers many of
the anti-vaping tropes we’ve all become wearily accustomed to.
Fergus Mason has published a great post
about e-cigarette batteries, presented as a guide for journalists and
focusing on the one key point that basically nullifies all of the
supposed concern about “e-cigarette battery explosions” – “There is no
such thing as an e-cigarette battery.” Because all e-cigarette
batteries are lithium batteries, just like the ones in phones, laptops,
hoverboards, electric cars and pretty much all modern consumer
electronics. This simple point has either eluded all of the best
journalists in the world or would undermine the fear they wish to evoke.
No prizes for guessing which.
Juhani Orelma has published another interesting (read: infuriating) translation of some discussion of e-cigarettes from Finland.
The chairman of the country’s branch of ASH repeated scare stories
about youth vaping and gateway effects, as well as promoting the results
of Stanton Glantz’s disastrous meta-analysis of a bunch of
poorly-conducted studies, which concluded that e-cigarettes impede
quitting. Possibly worst of all, chairman Pekka Puska claims that Public
Health England’s estimate that e-cigarettes are 95 % safer than smoking
“is based on only a single study, which is funded by electronic
cigarette and cigarette companies.” Assumedly he thinks the other
180-plus studies referenced had nothing to do with it.
Guide to Vaping has published an informative post on the effect of vaping on airway cells, using a study from last year as a guide and discussing the results and what they mean for vapers.
Nicotine Science and Policy has a good post
on the lazy critiques of tobacco-industry funded research into
e-cigarettes. Neil McKeganey and Christopher Russell make the argument
that there is no evidence of foul play in recent research funded by the
tobacco industry, and that criticisms tend to rely on evidence from
decades ago and simply assume it’s still going on. They call it the new McCarthyism.
Bullshit of the Week – “Vaping is Really Bad for You, Because, err… the Immune System… Or Something”
how the main risk from smoking is that it suppresses the immune system?
No, neither do I. This is probably because smoking causes cancer, heart
problems and a whole host of other conditions, and is so unilaterally
dangerous that the impacts on your immune system barely ever receive a
However, an article over at the Viral Pirate – clearly
a great source for health-related information – has decided that vaping
is “really fucking bad for you” because of the study last week that
found that e-cig have a bigger effect on the expression of genes related
to the immune system than cigarettes. Never mind that the practical
implications of this aren’t actually known, the intrepid experts over at
the Viral Pirate says this mean “[vaping] could actually be worse than
regular cigarettes.”
Well, the Viral Pirate has spoken, everyone – back to cigarettes for us!
That’s it for This Week!
always, we’ve aimed to cover as much as possible this week, but let us
know in the comments if we’ve missed any important stories! And if not,
check back next week for another edition.
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