blending refers to mixing of different flavors of Propylene Glycol with
the same or with those of a Vegetable Glycerine base. Flavor blending
gives the vapers control over how their e-juice flavors
taste or smell. The art of flavor blending makes vaping a very exciting
experience. It is however, very important that you're familiar with how
to handle the various flavors and equipment when blending.
Particularly, the e-liquid, as it contains nicotine, which may cause
blindness when it comes into contact with your eyes. A Guide to Flavor Blending
First, the vaper puts on safety gear, that is, glasses, gloves and apron, before handling anything.
Secondly, they find a recipe either online or samples given on different e-liquid manuals.
Thirdly, they make a purchase of the different ingredients. This
includes, nicotine, flavors, propylene glycol or vegetable glycerine for
the premium online e liquid juice. At this stage it is important to note that unflavored
nicotine comes in higher concentrations which you will need to dilute. A
maximum of 24 mg is fine. But if used as is it could lead to serious
illnesses and even death.
Also, to avoid wastage, diluting of flavors to around 10% is done.
Finally, they mix the flavors. If any blend is successful, they note it down to re-use next time. Reasons for Flavor Blending
Blending your own e-juices could save you a lot of money. This is because at the cost, you could be making more e-juice content.
Flavor blending is especially helpful to those who recently stopped
smoking. It give the same thrill as that of a cigarette and hence
prevents fall backs into that behavior.
Flavor blending plays a big role in preventing flavor exhaustion.
This is because the taste buds are kept alert by different flavors each
time. Popularity of Flavor Blending
Flavor blending has gained a lot of popularity in the vaping
community. This art is copied from liquor connoisseur’s and smokers
who're popular with it. With flavor blending, you'll find out
quicker which flavors heighten your moods and awareness.
Vaping and Your Health Insurance
The fact that vaping
is a better option to traditional tobacco smoking is undeniable.
However, as of now, many health insurances are still unsure of how to
handle this new trend. This is because research is yet to determine most
of the facts about vaping. Also, the ongoing debate on the advantages
or disadvantages of vaping add up to the insurance uncertainty on how to
factor it.
Which brings us to the impacts of vaping on healthcare
insurance. Individuals who're in the habit of traditional tobacco
cigarette smoking often find themselves paying higher healthcare
insurance premiums. They're classified as a higher risk of getting
some chronic diseases such as lung and mouth cancer, and even death. If
they choose to remain traditional tobacco smokers, their health care
insurance premium rates will remain as high as before.
Fortunately, vaping's here to help reduce the health care insurance
premiums. Particularly, where it reduces the exposure of individuals to
illnesses that're associated to traditional tobacco smoking.
However, if you were a non-smoker and start vaping, your health care
insurance premiums could still go up because vaping still has the risk
of nicotine addiction which insurance companies cannot undermine. But
this is dependent on the type of coverage of your health care insurance.
Hopefully soon, insurance companies will consider changing their
healthcare premiums for vaping users. In my opinion at least, if you're
transitioning from tobacco smoking, you should pay less in healthcare
premiums. However, tests have to be done to distinguish vaping
individuals from traditional tobacco smokers.
Menthol and Tobacco E-Liquids: Great For Beginners
Vaping has gotten so much better than back in the day when the only
device you could get were e-cigs, or as they're known, the cig-a-likes.
This is mainly due to vaping mods that allow the use of many flavors of
e-juices. And speaking of the e-juice quality, that has improved and
broadened as well which allows many in the vaping community to become
connoisseurs. For those converting from smoking to vaping, the many
years of development allows better options for MODS and e-juice flavors. For converts who still crave the taste of menthol or tobacco,
there are many products to sample, and there's sure to be at least one
e-juice that'll give you the right flavor. You'll also have the option
to lower the nicotine intake gradually until you no longer desire any
nicotine at all. In fact, you may find flavors that you prefer to the
taste of menthol or regular tobacco.
Even if you've never smoked before and are just beginning to vape,
these two flavors may give you a closer feel to the smoking experience
you had. Plus, you can begin your vaping experience without nicotine,
if you desire.
Many beginners are looking for the relaxation element that comes with
menthol or tobacco e-juices. These flavored e-liquids offer the close
to smoking experience in many ways and having flavors that satisfy the
craving is one of the reason many smokers convert.
Some beginners like producing clouds of smoke. So, to them, creating
large clouds of vapor is as much a part of the experience they desire as
is the taste they crave. To produce those larger clouds, look for an
e-liquid with a higher ratio of Vegetable Glycerin (VG) along with the
flavor that pleases your pallet. If you choice is a throatier hit, then a
higher Propylene Glycol (PG)ratio will go well with the flavor you
chose. Vegetable Glycerin has a sweeter taste than Propylene Glycol
which's tasteless, and can add a little to the overall flavor of the
e-juice a beginner chooses.
There's sure to be the right regular, menthol or combination of both
flavors of e-juices to suit a beginner's pallet whether converting from
cigarettes or just joining the vaping community. Finding the right
flavor for you is part of the fun. Those just beginning to vape should
try the regular or menthol tobacco flavors just to find out what led to
vaping and now you can try it nicotine free.
The Possible Dangers of Vaping While Driving
Imagine you're in your car. You've your music playing and you see
someone next to you at a stop light smoking a cigarette. You suddenly
have an urge to smoke, but luckily for you, you've your handy dandy vaporizer!
You continue listening to your music as you are driving down the road;
you start using your device and all of a suddenly you can't see out of
your windshield because of all the vape clouds you created, and then
BOOM! You crashed.
Vaping while driving is a very dangerous thing to do. Not only can it
distract you and block your view but if you've a cheap device, it can
drip and leak e-juice onto you and you could easily get hurt from not being able to do anything since you're driving.
Also, if you're out of juice or out of battery charge, that requires two hands but you need at least one (preferably both) to drive.
There are many dangers that come along with vaping while driving. If
you're going to vape while you drive, always make sure that your window
is cracked. It'll take all the vapor out of your vehicle so that you're
able to see better while you drive. If you're driving and a cop sees
that your car is filled with smoke (in this case vape clouds) then there
is a very good chance that he will pull you over. Any obstruction to
your view can and will get you in trouble with the law avocation exotic smoke.
Long story short, don't vape while you drive. I've been an avid vapor
for a little over 4 years and I can honestly and proudly say that I've
never vaped while driving and I never vaped in a friends car while they
were driving either.
Stronger Battery = Stronger Clouds
There are many factors that affect vapor producing and one factor that should be used with safety in mind is the battery when blowing clouds.
Vaping huge clouds require lots of current from your battery, more
than 30W to get the job done. A high drain battery of about 30A minimum
is recommended. Other contributing factors include VG (Vegetable
Glycerin) and an atomizer with multiple coils and a resistance of around 0.5 ohm. The lower the coil resistance, the higher the temperatures that can be achieved at a quicker rate.
Achieving higher temperature shortens the life of the coil. And when
the coil starts to produce an unpleasant task, it's time to change it.
Cloud chasers have other techniques and factors they use to increase
the density of their vapor clouds. Having the right airflow's important
and too much can take away from cloud density. Body posture and
inhale/exhale techniques also impact the formation of the cloud. Using
24g and below wire in you MOD lowers
your resistance. Also, parallel or twisted build coils lowers
resistance and acts like one big fat wire. Unregulated mechanical mod
builds with lower than .1 Ohms can be very dangerous. Using above .3
Ohms is safe and you can blow large, thick clouds all day long.
If your battery or the device itself starts to overheat, just stop and allow it to cool down
Cloud chasing is the most extreme form of sub-Ohm vaping, but there's
also sub-sub-Ohming with builds less than .1 and extreme caution should
also be used. If you wanna blow thick dense clouds, there are sub-ohm
tanks with pre-built coils on the market. When choosing the best
batteries, using the ones that can provide adequate current and bigger
amp limits than you actually need. It's better not to push your battery
to its limit because you could turn you device into a pipe bomb.
Although most vapers still use 18650 batteries, 26650s have a higher amp
limits and capacities.
Using the right battery can keep you safe and improve your vaping experience.
It's Not A Good Idea To Be A Duel User
It really shouldn’t come as a surprise when I say that smoking’s bad
for you. There are commercials campaigns and entire organizations trying
to help people kick the habit. Any smoker can tell you how hard it is
to actually let go. Many have opted to begin vaping, another method of
keeping up with the nicotine habit while reducing most of the health
risks. One of the greatest risks people don’t talk about is being a duel
user - switching between smoking original cigarettes and their
electronic counterparts.
The devices use Propylene Glycol or Vegetable glycerin. They’re
liquids that contain small amounts of nicotine and food grade flavoring.
This alternative to smoking isn’t 100% safe, considering you’re still
inhaling a type of vapor with nicotine in it. But it is still a better
alternative to what you were putting into your body when you puffed on a
Switching back-and-forth can cause severe sickness, because the vapor will contain different nicotine levels. Going from e-cigs to regular cigarettes can actually cause nicotine poisoning if the difference between your normal cigarettes and the e-liquid is dramatic. Your body needs time to regulate and get used to the vapor in order to make a complete switch.
Not only will switching to vaping help cut down on the half of the
risk factors but most devices allows a user to switch up the flavors,
and won’t leave that nasty smoky smell in your house on you, or even
those around you. Another added benefit is the cigarette smoke tends to
linger about, making it so anybody that’s around you gets the negative
effects of cigarettes. While the vapor that comes from e-cigarettes
tends to almost immediately dissipate into the air.
Going around with the Kanthal Wire Coiling Tool
The Kanthal Wire Coiling Tool is a device used for building your own coils
for your vapor unit. The kanthal comes in thee stick options, red,
purple and blue. Purple is the largest which houses a three mm rod, red
the second largest houses a 2.5 mm rod and blue the smallest houses a
two mm rod. Each stick is a two-piece unit, a top and bottom. Inside is a
rod where the coil is built.
Begin by removing the top piece, then take your kanthal wire (only
about 4 inches) and feed it through the hole in the top of the kanthal
body (the power part) leaving only an inch at the bottom, then make just
a half twist of the top potion of the wire around the rod. Replace the
top half of the kanthal stick and simply twist clockwise eight full best affordable vape online .
The top part of the stick has a screw in which is what pushes the
wire around the center rod. There are two screw options labeled 1 and 2.
The #1 option is for smaller gauge wires and the #2 is, well you
guessed it, for the larger gauge wires such 30 gauge. Most people prefer
the larger gauge.
Once you've completed the eight twist, remove the top half, carefully
pull the wire through and straighten both leads evenly. You may want to
leave the coil on the rod while straightening the leads. Once satisfied
with the coil, installation is a snap.
Using a kanthal Wire Coiling Tool for your rebuilds is simple, fast
and's conveniently designed for people who've shaky or an unsteady hand
grip. Whichever model you choose, always think safety.
Vaping: Are You Ready For Some Football?
There's one thing every vaper knows, if you enjoy something, you'll enjoy it more while vaping. Football is no exception to this as vapers are enjoying the NFL season more than ever.
One of the biggest reasons vapers are enjoying the NFL season so much
is most of them used to be cigarette smokers. This meant going outside
with your buddies to smoke and missing your team score a touchdown. No
one ever likes missing out, and it is unfortunately a common experience
with cigarette smokers.
With vaping however, you can enjoy it while inside, meaning you don't
have to miss a second of the action. Vapers are enjoying the freedom
they have, as they get to do what they love while also watching
something they love. Football games often mean having company over, and
vapers never have to worry about bothering somebody with secondhand
smoke either. Not to mention perhaps the biggest reason vapers are
enjoying the NFL season is simply the fact that they are vaping while
watching football!
Vaping can make any experience better, add it to an experience you
already enjoy and you've an activity you'll enjoy for a long time. Watching football and vaping go
perfectly together. More creative vapers also enjoy customizing their
vapes to support their favorite team. Football games are also great
times to try out new flavors and blends of e-juice. Vapers also share
this amazing experience with each other in the form of fantasy football.
Vapers will get together and form fantasy football leagues with each
other to play throughout the season. This creates a much more involved
and social league because all of the members share the same interest.
Drafting a fantasy football team while sitting back vaping with all of
your friends is an experience that is tough to beat. These leagues often
get a bit more creative than others. Team names always cleverly involve
vaping, and often times e-juice or MODS will be the grand prize.
Vapers who attend NFL games are being accommodated also as many
stadiums now accept vaping, or at least have specified vaping areas. The
NFL season brings excitement every year. This excitement only grows
when you add the experience of vaping.
Top 3 Fall E-Juices From Lizard Juice
The Fall season is coming quickly, with it comes a change in weather, scenery, and traditions. So why not switch out your old e-juice for some fresh and new flavors that'll perfectly complement the upcoming Fall season.
Here are the top 3 flavors that're guaranteed to enhance your vaping experience this Fall. E-Juice Flavor #3: Tiramisu
This flavor that is truly unique. While some dessert flavored e-juices
can be overwhelming at times, Tiramisu does an outstanding job of softly
releasing flavor rather than an overloading it. The sweet, rich, and
warm flavor will bring Fall fever to anybody. This is a flavor
absolutely perfect for Fall and will give you a sweet experience to
enjoy all season long. E-Juice Fall Flavor #2: Mocha
If you can imagine drinking a warm cup of coffee on a brisk Fall
morning, then you've an idea of the experience the mocha e-juice flavor
provides. This is any coffee lover's dream. It has a rich and genuine
coffee flavor that's perfectly complemented by a hint of chocolate. This
flavor is almost too good, while it can be enjoyed year round, it is
definitely more suited for Fall. This is a must have Fall flavor to try
out this upcoming season. E-Juice Flavor #1: Dark Lizard
Dark Lizard e-juice is a twist on Lizard Juice's signature flavor Lizard
Milk. The original Lizard Milk flavor is a combination of coconut milk
and pineapple rum flavors. Dark Lizard adds a chocolate flavor that
takes the normally light flavor, to a cool and dark one. This is
essentially a Lizard Milk flavor adapted for the Fall. As the weather
cools down and the rain comes in, also comes room for this amazing
flavor. Dark Lizard provides an unique vaping experience to enjoy on the
colder, wetter days of Fall.
These three flavors are ideally crafted for the Fall season and will
definitely enhance your vaping experience. Whether you want a sweet dessert at night, a warm coffee in the morning, or a cool and dark lizard signature, we can provide you with it.
It's a Good Move to Have a Backup
If you're like many people, switching to a vaporizer
has probably changed your life. It has given you the ability to indulge
in your nicotine intake without being kicked out of restaurants, bars
or other locations. Plus, you don't need to deal with the smoke, so you
no longer need to wash the cigarette smell from your hair, bed sheets
or other areas of the house.
With that being said though, you probably had a few different spare
packs, lighters and other smoking items around the house, yet you may
only have a single vaporizer. While it is a bit more of an initial
investment, it is a good idea for you to have backup equipment. The Backup Battery
are inexpensive and are not very hard to change. It is just like
swapping in a battery on your camera or on a cell phone (that has a
removable battery). You just pop out the old one and slide in the new
one. Yes, vaporizers are easily charged with just about any sort of USB connection,
but maybe you are planning on a camping trip or just are not going to
have a power outlet immediately available for an extended period of
time. Instead of being completely out of your vaporizer, having a backup
allows you to continue on enjoying without worrying about being without
power. Extra Coils and Tanks
Sometimes coils
break. Over time the coil can wear out, just like any other small piece
of electronics. It doesn't happen often, but having a backup allows you
to swap it in and be good to go. Having multiple tanks is a perk not
only so you don't need to carry around your different e-juice flavors
around with you, but so you can actually have different flavors ready
on hand. Maybe you've one you like to enjoy after meals while another
you enjoy on the way to work. With the spare tanks, you can do this.
No matter what spare parts or additional backup equipment you are looking for, you can find everything you need at Lizard Juice.
we approach the end of 2015, a New Year dawns and so do your New Year's
resolutions. You start setting new goals, some are achievable while
some are ambiguous. If you're a vaper, whether a newbie or experienced,
you should set some vaping goals for 2016. The goals you set shouldn't
be impractical. They should be made to improve your vaping experience
come 2016. With that said, here are some achievable goals that you can
set. New Year's Vaping Resolution #1: Try New Flavors
In 2016, don’t be afraid to leave your vaping comfort zone. There are a
lot of different flavors that you need to try. You can similarly blend
the different flavors as well. Through trying out new flavors, you'll
realize that there are flavors that're even better than the one(s)
you're accustomed to. You'll also avoid what's called 'flavor
exhaustion' through a continuous change of flavor and taste. New Year's Vaping Resolution #2: Spread the Gospel of Vaping AE Smokes out there are still not familiar with vaping, especially
the old-fashioned tobacco smokers. You've personally seen the benefits
of vaping compared to smoking. Try to avoid being condescending to those
you preach to, however, do your best to make them understand the
benefits and shortcomings of vaping and why smoking is a method that
should be forgotten. New Year's Vaping Resolution #3: Go to a Vaping Convention
This is a new way of meeting new vapers and sharing your experiences
with them. On the flip side of that coin, you'll get to learn their
experiences in vaping and even pick up a few tricks. Talking to new
vapers will be a fun and exciting experience. New Year's Resolution #4: Improve Your Vaping Experience
If you want to gain more control over your vaping than your regular e-cigarettes, then you've to learn how to rebuild your wicks and coils. You can similarly buy a rebuildable atomizer. Don’t just sit around and wait for everything to be done for you. New Year's Vaping Resolution #5: Using Lower Level Nicotine
Come 2016, you should attempt to vape using nicotine with low
concentrations, if you've been vaping for a while now that is. Nicotine
causes addiction. You don’t have to use the lowest level of nicotine
concentration. You can take it slow by starting to use the next lower
level nicotine. With time, you'll get to the lowest nicotine level. This
way, it reduces your chances of being dependent on nicotine and still
enjoying vaping.
From one vaper to another, don’t make goals that you can’t achieve.
Furthermore, ensure that your goals don’t make you spend a lot of money
either. You've to be smart when making these goals, and by the end
2016, hopefully, you've checked all your goals off from your vaping
Some E-Liquids Can Damage Your Tank
Did you know that some e-liquids can damage your tank? Some
e-liquid companies have discovered that certain e-liquid flavors will
in fact react to some of the polycarbonate plastic tanks. This causes an
enzyme reaction that has been known to crack or even melt parts of the
tank. If at anytime you've ever had a tank crack, or know someone who
has, then you know it can be a really messy ordeal, and not to mention
it can be quite costly, depending on which tank you have to replace.
Some companies are starting to recommend that you only use a pyrex
tank or a glass clearomizer, when you use certain e-liquids. If you
purchase your e-liquids online some companies have even started to send
out warnings with the purchase of the e-liquids that have been known to
crack or melt tanks. The warnings usually state that this particular
flavor has been reported to damage plastic tanks. They often encourage
you to use a tank made out of glass or pyrex. Not every flavor will do
this. And not everyone's experience will be the same. For the most part
it is just a disclaimer.
Not all tanks are the same. Some interact and some don't. Some also
say that it's not the e-liquids, it's just simply the heat. That may be a
factor as well. But I really believe that it can be a mixture of thin
plastic tanks, acidic e-liquids, and heat all combined together making
the tank more vulnerable to melt or crack. Scientists have reported that
it's just the natural acids reacting with the plastic polycarbonate
material of the tank. Supposedly a full tank of fresh squeezed orange
juice would have the same reaction. When the acidic e-liquid flavors
bind with the plastic and weaken the integrity of the plastic and cause
it to crack, fog, or even melt.
Just be mindful about the e-liquids you choose and be diligent about
choosing your e-liquids flavor. Please watch for any changes in your
tank such as hazing, cracking, or suddenly unexpected leaking and
anything else not normal about your tank. Should anything of that nature
happen, you need to immediately properly dispose of your tank and
replace it.
3 Quality Factors to Look For in an E-Liquid
Many people are moving towards vaping as a better alternative to
traditional tobacco. However, in order to fully enjoy the vaping
experience, there are certain criteria that the vaper should look at.
The quality of an e-liquid
is one of them that affects your vaping experience. Avoid being
overwhelmed by the wide variety of e-liquids available in the market and
make quality (as well as make Lizard Juice) your #1 one criteria for purchasing an e-liquid.
Three main quality factors we're going to look for this criteria include: throat hit, vapor production, and safety. Throat Hit
Throat hit refers the sensation felt in your throat and your lungs when
you inhale an e-liquid. High quality e-liquids always have a great
throat-hit. Of course, the throat hit is different for different vapers.
Beginners will always find e-liquids with a low throat hit to be very
appealing, because at the start throat hit may be irritating. However,
those accustomed to vaping will prefer and even crave a great throat
hit. You can tell the throat hit of an e-liquid even without vaping it.
All you need to do is check its nicotine avocation exotic smoke. The higher the nicotine
level, the higher the throat hit will be. And, the less the nicotine
level, the lesser it'll be. Also, a high Propylene Glycol (PG) ratio in
an e-liquid allows it to have a great throat hit. Vapor Production
Vapor production is also a quality factor to consider in e-liquids. The
e-liquid ingredients, that is, the base, is the major factor affecting
vapor production. Particularly, this quality is determined by the VG/PG
composition of an e-liquid. Vegetable Glycerine (VG) is the main
ingredient that contributes to excellent vapor production. Quality
e-liquids will always produce the desired cloud vapors. Safety of E-liquids
Using e-liquids should be saving you from all the safety hazards
associated with traditional tobacco smoking and, not adding you other
safety issues. It's therefore critical that you ensure that your
e-liquid is safe for you, and kept away from children and pets. Always
ensure that it doesn't have excess levels of nicotine. The safety levels
of nicotine should not go beyond 36 ml. Also, make sure that you
e-liquid has a child resistant drip tip. This is will help keep the
children safe from your e-liquid.
Definition of quality in e-liquid is different for different vapers.
However, it all tones down to the three factors that were talked
about today. Even though the vapor production and throat hit needs may
vary for different individuals, the safety quality factor is constant.
Therefore, when purchasing e-liquids, don't just do it blindly. Assess
yourself for what you prefer in vaping and look for these qualities in
your e-liquid.
Is Having a Full Tank of E-Juice a Wise Idea?
In vaping, there are many questions yet to be answered, and simply put, this is one of them. Is having a full tank of e-juice a good idea?
The answer is yes!
Obviously there are hundreds of choices for RTA's and clearomizers,
but for most the answer will be yes. Some clearomizer tanks with top
coils actually require it, as the liquid level drops, so does the
performance. And before anyone asks, yes, even the larger varieties of
top coil units begin to falter near the half tank mark.
Even some of the smaller tanks like nanos and minis there is a slight
notice in flavor and vapor production difference at the half tank mark,
but still outperforms any of the cheaper clearomizer units. The reason
these units perform better is because most have bottom coils. This means
that you can run the e-juice to a lower level without affecting your
The premise behind keeping the tank full is never getting a dry hit
or burnt taste. If you run a clearomizer, it's a must or you wont get
much out of it. If you run something like a Smok micro ADC 2, which is
priced just above a basic clearomizer, you know the significant
difference in how low you can run the tank and still get good flavor and
vapor production.
If you run a RTA, you're already slightly ahead of the game. Most
RTAs have a larger tank, between 4 and 10 ml capacity, so keeping the
tank full isn't hard if you're a light vaper. For heavier use these
larger capacity tanks come in handy because nobody wants to run out of
juice, and nobody likes a dry hit.
It isn't every day that an emergency or unplanned stop makes it's way
into your travels, but it could happen at any time. If you're using an
e-liquid with a nicotine content, you might want to consider topping off
the tank before you leave. More than once we have heard about the short
trip to the corner store, ended up with a flat, which resulted in a
long walk home to get the jack and some e-juice.
You can avoid predictable situations like dry hits and burnt wicks by
simply keeping the tank full. No matter whether you use a clearomizer
or a RTA, make sure you're ready for whatever life throws your way.
This entry was posted in vaping on December 2, 2015 by Lizard Juice.
Quick Drip Tips Advice
Drip tips are placed over the cartomizer to enable easy dripping of e-liquids
without having to dismantle everything. It also acts as the base you
place your mouth on in order to vape. The use of drip tips generally
helps you achieve a better vaping experience, as it’s associated with
more vapor hits and thicker vape.
Now, you should always select the drip tips that’re heat resistant. The atomizer,
which a drip tip is placed on, can get quite hot. It’s therefore
important that you select a heat resistant one to protect your mouth
from burns.
It’s also important to always sanitize your drip tips. Even though
propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin act as an antibacterial,
build-up in your vaping device due to condensation may lead to a
bacterial infestation. Bacteria on the drip tip may also be from your
mouth’s saliva or even food residues. It’s imperative that you clean and
sanitize your drip tip regularly. Also, ensure that you’ve a spare drip
tip in case you wanna share your vaporizer with others.
You should know that drip tips aren’t good for devices with automatic
batteries. With these, you never know when you’re dripping too much.
Excessive dripping may cause flooding in the atomizer and this may ruin
your automatic battery, permanently. Particularly, if the automatic
battery isn’t sealed.
Finally, when using drip tips, always ensure that you drip more
e-liquid before your atomizer runs dry. In doing so, you’ll avoid
burning the wick of you device. Also, you’ll avoid the production of
harsh vapes that may even cause a sore throat.
Some of the benefits associated with drip tips mainly give you the
ability to customize your vaping experience. They also enhance better
airflow and even boost the flavor. Additionally, you’ll find that you
can cut vaping costs through the use of them as well.
The Real Perks of Vaping and Exercising
Vapers come in all shapes and sizes, but the common theme that ties
us all together is the wish to reduce our smoking of traditional
cigarettes and live a better lifestyle. Switching to vaping is usually
part of the overall path to a better lifestyle, which we can all see is a
good idea when we begin to improve after switching to an electronic cigarette.
Living a more active and healthier lifestyle will usually include
seeking a more balanced diet and beginning an exercise regime that'll
only add to us feeling better in the future.
Vaping and exercising may seem like a contradiction, but the switch
from a traditional cigarette to an electronic cigarette will often make
it easier to complete more exercises. E-cigs use nicotine liquid
instead of the various ingredients that're included in a traditional
cigarette alongside the nicotine. Many medical professionals explain how
the tar that we take in when smoking traditional cigarettes makes it
difficult to breathe and infects the blood cells. Vapers don't take in
any tar, which means the amount of exercise that can be completed is
increased and the overall conditioning of the individual vaper is
improved. Premium online e liquid juice is now more popular than it was even ten years ago, as
strange as that might sound, which means more smokers are looking to
stay healthy by living an active lifestyle. A traditional smoker sees 1
in 20 of their blood cells used to carry carbon monoxide around the
body, but the switch to vaping can reduce this level to a more
manageable amount. By vaping before and after exercising, the blood
cells carry more oxygen around the body. Exercise requires oxygen to
pass through the body to allow the individual to train harder and for a
longer amount of time, which means the vaper can improve their fitness
when compared to those who smoke traditional tobacco cigarettes.
Cleaner lungs, because they're free of tar and the many toxins that
are included with traditional cigarettes, make exercising simpler and
easier to perform. The ingredients in e-liquids are limited to the
major ingredients of nicotine itself and stage smoke, which has been
shown to have few side effects for those who inhale this commonly used
material. Feeling fitter and stronger is a major aspect of vaping, and
that's one of the most important reasons for making the switch and
avoiding traditional cigarettes as well as one of the many reasons
behind the popularity of vaping.
Moving Up The Vaping Ranks: Ditching Disposable E-Cigarettes for MODS
While most vapers start out using a disposable electronic cigarette,
most will want to move on to something better within a year, if not
sooner. While disposable e-cigs have their merit, one of which being
that you can find them at gas stations and convenience stores, a MOD
is a massive jump in vape quality over any disposable. As any
disposable vaper will tell you, it becomes a very expensive habit, with
disposable vapes running between $6-$12 each. Depending on individual
use, some disposable e-cig users can use more than one unit a day,
meaning they are spending nearly $50 per week or more.
Switching to a MOD, especially one where you can build your own
coils, will instantly start saving you money compared to disposables.
While there is a high upfront cost to switching, the long term savings
is worth it. You'll notice that the selection of e-juices is much larger
if you are refilling your own tank rather than buying premade ecigs
which usually only have a couple favors and nicotine strengths. Also,
you'll notice that the vapor produced by a MOD is more flavorful and
thicker. No disposable vape is going to produce the same voluminous
clouds that a box MOD will.
One thing to keep in mind if switching from a disposable or pen style vaporizer
to a MOD, is to go with a lower nicotine strength than you're used to.
This is because a MOD will produce much more vapor in every puff, so you
will end up consuming more than you're used to. Generally, if you used a
13mg strength or higher ejuice, start with a 6mg ejuice. If you used
12mg or under, use a 3mg strength. These numbers are approximations,
just start off lower so you don't over-do it on the nicotine.
Disposable e-cigs are good for single use situations, but do not come
close to providing the same enjoyment of a decent MOD. Being able to
fill an entire room with thick, aromatic vapor from just one puff off of
a good MOD is so much fun. Once anyone switches from disposables or pen
styles to MODS, they never go back.
This entry was posted in vaping and tagged disposable e-cigarettes, MODs, vaping on October 31, 2015 by Lizard Juice.
The Ways of The Coil Master
Becoming a coil
master isn't a skill that comes easily. It's described as an art by
many. Some of the most beautiful builds can be simple, while others
continue to become more and more complex. Becoming proficient in
building coils takes time, and practice, just like every other skill.
When you sit down to wrap your first coil, you've probably watched a
YouTube video or two, and you think to yourself "I got this, no
problem", only to find yourself with an elaborate mess of wire twirled
around a screwdriver. Not to discredit YouTube tutorials, but a hands-on
experience is different than watching somebody else perform the task.
Becoming a coil master requires a steady hand, firm grip, and focus.
Over time, your coils will become tighter, and more beautiful. One
day you'll have a "Eureka!" moment and watch your fresh coils glow a
gorgeous orange color from the center outward. It's a great feeling.
You'll feel like a master electrician, and you'll no doubt want to
expand on your new found abilities.
It's important to understand safety. Beginners should start with a
regulated MOD and grasp an understanding of Ohm's Law. Battery venting
is absolutely a possibility, and it's no joke. When you're ready,
there's a whole other world in the unregulated mods realm.
Personally, I prefer a tube style mod, but to each their own. Still, I
cannot stress battery safety enough, even to veteran coil builders.
After building hundreds of normal micro coils, you'll be hungry for
something more complicated. Enter the clapton coils, zipper coils, and
the staple coil. These coils require multiple strands of different gauge
wire, and different tools. The Coil Master V2 Kit from Lizard Juice
comes complete with most of the tools you'll need, only lacking a power
drill. The coiling kit inside the coil master makes for an incredibly
clean nano, micro, or macro coil, with no need to worry about your coil
spacing. From new coilers to veterans, I'd strongly recommend this kit.
What Can Happen When You Vape at a Higher Altitude?
Learning about the effects of high altitudes on vaping could save you, the vaper, a lot of disappointments and money.
When you move to higher altitudes, you're likely to notice a leak in your e-juice from your vaping device.
This happens as a result of increased air pressure. An increase in the
air pressure will force the e-liquid out of your device, thus the
leaking. This however varies across many devices. Some are made to
withstand the different altitude changes. For others, you may notice a
small leak while others even drain half the liquid out.
To correct this, you may choose to leave your device empty or
half-filled when traveling, especially, by plane. Also, make sure that
you push as much air as you can out of your device to leave space for
expansion of air in higher altitudes. Also, carry your e-liquids in
plastic bags so that when they spill they don't spread over the rest of
your luggage.
If your device has a very efficient wick, no leaking may be observed.
The wick in the device acts as a blockade for the e-liquid. This way,
no e-liquid gets out, even with the change in air pressure.
Also, at higher altitudes, you'll notice that vaping is very
difficult. It becomes increasingly difficult for your device to produce
good clouds. This may be as a result of device flooding. In this case,
you may find it helpful to vape your device while upside down for a bit.
This will help get rid of the excess air.
You don't want to risk losing all your e-liquid when traveling.
Therefore, make sure that the storage area or compartment where you put
your device is at the same pressure as that of the place you are
leaving. Also, try traveling with your devices empty and fill them once
you arrive to your destination.
Treat Yourself This Halloween With These Top 3 E-Juices
You may be too cool for a costume this year, but that shouldn't stop
you from having fun this Halloween by vaping. Yes vaping. But what flavors would go great for Halloween you might be wondering? Well, we've come up with 3 flavors that should get you into the spirit. Chocolate E-Liquid
This e-liquid provides a rich chocolate flavor and aroma that will
compliment your sweet tooth. Chocolate e-liquid will become a flavor
that you crave just life your favorite chocolate bar. Providing a strong
volume of vapor that will lure in your family and friends. In fact, it
may become a popular flavor that you introduce to a friend for the first
time. Voodoo E-Liquid
This e-liquid has a mild base with an assortment of flavors
including, cinnamon, plum, black currant, and grape. These rich aromas
provide flavor and vapors that will enhance your vaping experience. You
can amaze your friends and fill the room with some of the top aromas.
Voodoo E-Liquid provides the novelty taste that you're looking for on
Halloween. Dark Lizard E-Liquid
A great e-juice that doesn't have an overwhelming taste of chocolate,
but provides a hint of dark chocolate. If you want a hint of chocolate
flavor on Halloween, Dark Lizard E-Liquid is the best choice. The
flavor and the vapor last a long time while creating a soothing and calm
atmosphere. You can build up a rich vapor that will enhance your
Enjoy one of these popular e-juices for Halloween. In fact, build up a
high volume of vapor behind your dragon costume and scare the kids,
while you're passing out candy this year. And don't forget to try some
cool vaping tricks with your friends or family to see what you guys can
up with for Halloween.
is supposed to be a relaxing experience; it should be something you can
enjoy while socializing or whatever you choose to do. But the
experience can be rudely interrupted by a distinct burnt taste.
Thankfully, this annoyance can be easily prevented with 3 simple tips.
But first...
Why Does It Taste Burnt Anyway?
The reason you experience that burnt taste after vaping is usually due to improper heating of the e-liquid inside the tank. The e-liquid, as you know, provides those flavors that you've grown to enjoy.
3 Tips To Avoid That Burnt Taste Tip #1: Take It Slow
The first thing that you should learn to do is to vape slowly. This
means that you should avoid dragging. Over-dragging can burn the
e-liquid because you're not giving the device
enough time to catch up with your demands. Another thing you should
avoid is taking quick puffs repeatedly. This way of vaping will produce
the same effects as over-dragging.
Tip #2: Do Not Overload
Another reason why you may be having this issue is because you're using
too much e-liquid. You need to make sure that you're using the
recommended amount of e-liquid and not any more. When you add too much,
this may cause your device to work harder to handle the massive volume
of e-liquid. This may cause your device to overheat due to the excess
volume, or it may heat up the e-liquid unevenly online e liquid juice, which could easily lead
to burnt e-liquid.
Tip #3: Be Sure To Clean Your Vaper
The other thing that you've to remember is that you must clean out any
e-liquid residue before adding new fluid. The old e-liquid has been
heated a few times, so it is on the verge of burning if it has not
already. You can use a recommended cleaner to remove residue, or you can
use a mixture of 1 tablespoon of baking soda and a cup of water to
clean properly. You can also just use hot water to rinse off any
residue. Failure to clean your vapor, especially if you have experienced
the burnt aftertaste will continue to produce the same results.
You can clearly see that there are a few things that you can do to
avoid that aftertaste by simply handling your vapor and e-liquid
correctly. But the good things in life require a little effort, and you
know it's worth it.
This entry was posted in vaping and tagged burnt taste, device, vape, tips, e-liquid on March 8, 2016 by Lizard Juice.
Get Your Springtime E-Juices Ready!
Spring is just around the corner! Everyone's excited about warm
weather, trees and plants coming back to life, and what they're going to
put into their vaporizer or MOD for the spring season.
It's getting time to toss out those heavy winter flavors and put a
spring into your step with the light and wistful flavors of spring!
These flavors are sure to help put a spring into your step and help you
prepare for the warm weather, grass, and everything else that makes
spring so special.
Spring Flavor #1: Rum Punch E-Liquid
This light and fun flavor will surely remind you of warm weather! This
combination of sweet citrusy fruits and the hint of rum is sure to take
you to the beach with the sun beating down on your face, and a drink in
your hand!
Spring Flavor #2: Orange Blast E-Liquid
Nothing tastes quite like biting into a sweet juicy orange. It reminds
you of picnics in the fresh cut grass and being around family and
friends outside in the warm spring air. Orange Blast is a flavor to take
you to that place where everything slows down.
Spring Flavor #3: Utopia E-Liquid
Close your eyes and let this extraordinary fruity vape flavor take you
to a place that is free from the stress of everyday life. Relax and
allow your mind to be overcome with the feelings of joy, happiness, and
freedom. Utopia will take you there.
Spring Flavor #4: Love Potion #9 E-Liquid
This delicious combination of coconut and kiwi has been sensually kissed
by a ripe juicy pear. Fall in love all over again with this e-liquid
that is sure to get you attention on the dating scene.
Spring Flavor #5: Venom E-Liquid
It's time to put that spring into your step and Venom will help you
along the way. This dangerously good blend of lemon, lime, and mint has
been bit by a juicy mango. This juice is certain to get you e liquid juice online.
Spring Flavor #6: Mint Chocolate Chip E-Juice
Nothing feels quite like spring like a scoop of your favorite ice cream.
This e-liquid will have you feeling the dun on your face, the grass
under your feet, and tasting that first scoop of sweet homemade ice
These e-juices are sure to remind you that winter is a thing of the
past. No more bundling up indoors! It's almost time to break out the
jeans, tank tops, the drinks on the deck, and the barbecue in the
backyard! These e-juice flavors will help kick your taste buds into
motion and prepare your whole body for springtime!
3 Key Ways To Identify Your Proper Nicotine Level
come in a variety of different nicotine strengths, and it's important
to make sure you're getting the right nicotine level. If you use an
e-liquid with too much nicotine, it'll be counterproductive to your
efforts to quit smoking. In fact, it'd be making you more addicted to
nicotine. If you jump to use too low of a nicotine strength, it could
cause you to experience unpleasant nicotine withdrawal symptoms.
However, there's a happy medium that you can find.
The specific level of nicotine will differ for everyone though. As
time goes on, you can gradually reduce your nicotine intake. This can
help you to ultimately quit smoking. If you would still like to vape
e-liquids after quitting nicotine, you can even choose nicotine-free
e-liquids. Luckily, there are specific methods that you can use to
determine your nicotine level.
If you're just switching to e-liquids from cigarettes, this'll
greatly influence your nicotine level. You'll need a higher nicotine
dosage than someone who has already switched to e-liquids. An ordinary
cigarette has around 16 milligrams of nicotine. You can decrease your
nicotine level slightly from 16 milligrams, if that's where you're
starting. However, you don't want the jump to be too great. An ideal
nicotine dosage would be someplace near 11 milligrams. However, if you
smoke a very small amount of nicotine, 8 milligrams might be a better
If you're a cigarette smoker, it's also important to consider if you
smoke unfiltered cigarettes. Unfiltered cigarettes can deliver a much
higher amount of nicotine to the smoker. You need to take this into
account when switching to e-liquid vaping. Unfiltered cigarette smokers
tend to do better with e-liquids containing around 24 to 36 milligrams
of nicotine. Some cigarettes are manufactured unfiltered. However, all
hand rolled cigarettes spacejam e liquids are unfiltered. So, if you smoke hand rolled
cigarettes, you're actually getting more nicotine than a traditional
Also, you need to consider if you're thinking of quitting smoking or
not. If you're considering quitting smoking, you want the nicotine
dosage to be getting reduced. If you're not considering quitting
smoking, the nicotine dosage can stay the same. You could even increase
it, if you choose to. For an ordinary smoker, it's still important to go
no higher than 24 milligrams. Too much nicotine can be too strong.
Choosing the right nicotine strength can be tricky. However, if you
keep these three things in mind, your switch to e-liquids will be much
better. You will be getting the right dosage of nicotine to avoid
nicotine withdrawal. However, you can still be able to reduce your
nicotine intake, if quitting is your goal.
It's All In The E-Liquid Name
The name of any product can be important, and those with a more eye catching name to sell better. This is certainly true of e-liquids.
E-liquids that have a catchy name are likely to get more sales. It's
good for sales when the name indicates that the product is of superior
flavor and quality.
The manner in which they're packaged makes a difference, too.
Products that are put in eye catching packaging tend to do well. Many
customers are drawn to e-liquids with visually appealing packaging.
Unless a customer has done research on the products or used the products
before, it is likely the name and packaging that will capture customer
Speaking more in-depth of the packaging side of things, the color can
be important. It's often a good idea for the color of the packaging to
match the flavor. For instance, it'd be ideal to have blueberry flavored
e-liquids in a blue container. Strawberry flavored e-liquids may do
better in pink or red flavored packaging. Having catchy artwork on the
packaging also can attract customers. The more intricate and well done
any graphics are on the container, the more the packaging will be likely
to attract customers. Packaging with artwork is far more likely to
attract customers than packaging without it.
Additionally, the name of an e-liquid can make a tremendous
difference. When its given a bland name, it's likely to be thought of as
boring and generic. For instance, simply naming an e-liquid "blueberry
vape" isn't likely to get a lot of customers. People would simply see
the e-liquid as generic. The very same e-liquid could do much better
with a catchy name, such as "blueberry flavor explosion". This would
indicate to customers that the e-liquid's exceptionally flavorful beyond
other e-liquids. This is likely to be seen as very attractive to
customers. Additionally, the name of the brand can also make a big
difference. E-liquids that have a catchy brand name often tend to sell
very well. There are an infinite variety of catchy names that you can
choose for an e-liquid. However, it should be something that represents
an image that would be attractive to the demographic of vaper that
you're marketing to.
The name and packaging of e-liquids can sometimes be just as
important as the quality of the e-liquid itself. If a vaper doesn't buy
the e-liquid, they wont be able to experience it's flavors and quality.
Often times, the key to getting people to buy an e-liquid the first time
is the name and packaging.
Vaping and Your Appetite
Vaping has some very significant effects on a vaper’s appetite. In
some cases, it may lead to increased appetite while in others, it may
lead to a decrease in appetite. This is, however, dependent on different
individuals and the content being vaped. Ways in Which Vaping Helps to Increase Your Appetite
Most e-liquids contain nicotine. Nicotine is a component well-known
for its ability to suppress appetite. It suppresses your appetite by
activating brain neurons that're responsible for reduction of appetite.
This explains why vaping is favored by people seeking to lose weight.
By inhaling nicotine content, the body reduces the number of times that
hunger is felt. This way, people can achieve their weight loss goals
easily, as it's easier to take proportions as planned. How Vaping Increases Your Appetite
Vaping in some cases may also lead to increased appetite and a
significant weight gain. This is particularly true for those that vape
marijuana. Vaping marijuana/cannabis is known to leave the 'munchies'
effect. Munchies make you want to eat more and more. Munchies come into
being as a result of added cannabinoids in our system. Remember, the
body has a certain level of cannabinoids that controls our eating
behavior. Therefore, if cannabinoids are added, the body will send
hunger signals more often than usual.
Also, in some people, vaping may cause an increase in appetite, due
to vaping e-liquids that're nicotine-free. Some flavors tend to increase
one’s appetite rather than reduce it.
In some cases an increase in appetite may be noticed, yet no weight
gain is observes. In such cases, nicotine functions by increasing the
body’s metabolism so that the rate of food consumption is equal to the
rate of body’s ability to break fat.
The reason for noting the effects of vaping is not so that one could
use it a measure to gain or lose weight. Rather, it's with the intent of
letting you know what should be expected from vaping. Vaping can be a
very effective method of increasing or decreasing ones appetite.
However, this doesn't mean that it should be substituted with exercise
or other health proven methods to lose or gain weight. This is because,
in so doing, one would require to vape very often and this could be
harmful to one’s health. Besides, nicotine is addictive and using it too
often could make you dependent on which isn't a great thing.
Vaping: The Phenomenon Known as 'CBD'
The phenomenon known as CBD oil
is going to be a Godsend for you when you're trying to vape hemp oil.
CBD oil is a special kind of oil that has almost no traces of THC, and
it's going to be a nicer alternative for you. The oil is going to work
in any vaping device, and you're going to feel like you're going to get
the results you want without smoking the traditional leaves or even
trying to find something that 's hemp based.
The oil has almost 85% cannabis, and it's going to be the best
alternative for you so that you'll be able to make the most of each time
you are vaping. You've to make some decisions o make sure that you are
going to be as healthy as possible, and you are going to be able to get
the cannabis that is going to be medicinal or calming for you. There are
a lot of people who cannot get cannabis any other way, and you're going
to be able to feel more comfortable vaping this than you would anything
Most people who are going to be able to vape happily when they try
the CBD oil, and they are not going to be stuck with the leaves that are
going to be needed for traditional smoking. There are many people who
are going to be able to do this so that they can remain healthy, and it
may be the only thing that some people can do for medical conditions
that have been bothering them for a long time.
You can invest in CBD oil today so that you can get the medicinal
effects of cannabis, and you are going to be able to purchase it from
many different reputable dealers. These dealers are going to help you
purchase the oil in the right quantities, and you will be able to do
something for yourself that is going to make you as healthy as you can
possibly get. This is the phenomenon that you're going to love.
Women Entering The Vape Game
Now more than ever, vaping is hot. Everyday it's gaining popularity,
and big strides are continuing to be made in the culture, industry and
product. And vaping isn't just popular with the guys. Ladies are coming
on the vape scene and changing the game in a big way.
Vaping is becoming increasingly popular with the female crowd for
multiple reasons. Women tend to be more health conscious, and therefore
vaping seems to be a logical switch for them. In fact, a survey of
36,000 customers by vape company VIP in Spring of 2015, found that 53%
of their customers were female, whereas previous years' sales were
dominated by male customers. Not only do women love vaping for its
health benefits, they're making the industry more female friendly with
celebrity exposure and feminine product designs. Never has vaping been
healthier or more glamorous.
In studies done by Public Health England, they suggest that female
smokers are more likely to take up vaping than male. It's believed that
women are motivated to vape because they tend to be more health
conscious than men overall, and because of increasing celebrity use and
exposure. However, some feel that women are just becoming better
educated about the benefits of vaping. Health benefits aside, the vape
game couldn't be more fashionable or fabulous.
Whether we like it or not, we live in a celebrity obsessed culture.
We can't avoid it. And it appears that some of Hollywood's finest (or
most notorious) ladies are big fans of vaping! Kate Moss, Katy Perry,
Sienna Miller, Michelle Rodriguez, and Paris Hilton among others are
known users. And who could blame them when the products and accessories
are only getting cuter?
Gone are the (very recent) days of sterile, simple, and aesthetically
bland vape options. Current designs are sleek, chic, and gorgeous. The
feminine options are endless these days. Bedazzled, glittering, gem
encrusted, rainbow dyed, sparkly and beautiful pieces are being
manufactured all over. Better yet, some of these awesome companies are
run by women, for women, and right at our fingertips! How cool is that?
So as you can see, the vaping industry is a rapidly changing one, and
not only are women changing it, they're improving, popularizing and
OWNING it as well!
Vaporizers, e-cigarettes, and vape pens.
If you're new to the scene of vaping, you may not know which one is
which or where to even start. The vaping community has grown
exponentially over the past few years, which is great news for any
newbies in need of some guidance and nurturing. This exciting new growth
has only skyrocketed thanks to MOD customization.
It all started back in 2007 when electronic cigarettes burst on the
scene. The earlier devices weren’t that stellar design wise, and the
battery life wasn’t the greatest. However, e-cigarettes provided a
healthier alternative to smoking without all of the fuss and cigarette
breath. Still, there was that uninspiring design and the lackluster
battery life to deal with. Despite popular belief, MODs are not
electronic cigarettes. The term MOD points to the modifications that
were made to the electronic cigarette. More specifically, the term
refers to the modifications made to the battery inside of the device.
The vaping community found that they could alter the low battery
life, as well as the limited power capabilities of the electronic
cigarette. They could also replace the older model with more efficient
technology. The technology and the creativity that goes into modding is
amazing and definitely deserves the spotlight. Everything is accounted
for from the inspection of high resistance and the proper battery fit.
Instead of the regular 3.2v found in your basic e-cigarette battery, you
can now get 3.7 volts, which will be noticeably higher. Along with
that, you're also getting top notch craftsmanship.
Affectionately called modding, vape lovers everywhere are now able to
improve the performance of their vaporizes and ultimately enhance the
vaping experience. With a modified device, you can enjoy rechargeable
lithium batteries in a higher voltage than the regular models. People
are even coming up with different compartments for the battery. Today,
the demand for trendy, new modifications are all the rage and
manufacturers and vendors are keeping up with the masses.
There are many different MOD customizations and to be a true vaping
champion, you have to pick some of the best features to set you apart
from the crowd. Many are getting their names engraved for a personal
touch or choosing a color that hadn't always been available to
customers. To control the delivery of the connector, you can install a
push button switch on your buy e liquids juice online. Not only do you have the option to
customize your vaporizer but most vendors are also offering upgrades to
their customers. This is amazing if you get bored and want something
Start modding today and treat yourself to a device with eye catching
colors and cutting edge technology. Enjoy the perks of your own custom
design whether you get a picture of your dog engraved on the side or the
name of your high school sweetheart. Also, be sure to check out the
welcoming online vaping community for the latest tips and tricks to have
you vaping like the pros in no time.
The internet is buzzing. Buzzing with talk of potential regulations on e-cigarettes
and other vaping devices. We all speculate on what has, could and
should happen. Like hawks, just watching and waiting. Right now it's a
free market. We set the prices and determine how much nicotine we can
put in our products and how they are manufactured. There are no
monopolies and everyone is making money. The Vaping Industry is
regulating itself and setting the rules for now.
Current and Potential National Regulations
There are people out there who are anti-vaping who feel as strongly
about regulating it as pro-vapors feel about not. One regulation that
has begun to take place is child-proofing e-liquids. This is a good one
because no one wants any child to get into an adult product. The problem
is that this is a gateway regulation and it's only the beginning. One
proposal includes forcing manufacturers to make changes to their current
products. It would include the current tamper-proof cap but would go a
step further than that. Cartomizers, cartridges, and atomizers would
only be able to be filled one premium online e liquid juice. The idea was safety as well as
limiting nicotine consumption. This would hugely impact e-liquid sales.
It would drive the prices up because you can't refill it. That's more
material being consumed. The way cigarette butts fill the sidewalks
would be replaced with plastic and metals from the cartridges. The
environmental impact could be disastrous. Some companies have begun
making recyclable e-liquid packaging to attain a head start on the
possible regulations.
Enormous Taxes
Some states are in the process of charging taxes that will make
e-cigarettes as expensive as tobacco products. Vermont has proposed a
92% tax hike on all vaping products. That would be almost double what it
currently is. New York has proposed a bill that already has a name.
A.B.7106 wants to put a 95% tax on any vapor products. This would put
them in the same category as cigarettes and redefine the law. Any vendor
would be required to obtain a tobacco retail license. All smokeless
products like snuff would have a tax increase from the current 75% to
95%. North Dakota is the strictest state however, and have banned
e-cigarettes in most public as well as private property in most of the
Other Regulations
The problem is that any regulations at all would make it too expensive
for small companies to compete. They would get pushed right out of the
market. Having to completely repackage vapor products like a law in
Illinois is proposing would be too expensive on top of all of the taxes
and disposable cartridges. This would begin the process of only large
corporations taking over the market just like the tobacco industry does
now. We would lose all of the quality e-juices we have become accustomed
to in favor of a few most likely tobacco flavored brands.
How Can We Help?
The best way to help keep vaping the way we know and love is to voice
your opinions. Tell your local Congressmen and Representatives how you
feel. Write letters and call them. Have any friends who also vape do the
same. Sign any petitions you can and get involved. Join any pro-vaping sites you can find and post the positive things that vaping has done for
your life. Remember our Congressmen and local Representatives work for
us, not the other way around. This is how laws are made. You've to stand
up for what you believe in to get things done.
Smoking is getting more and more expensive every year. As governments
around the world bring down the hammer of taxation on the “sinful”
habit of smoking, the price of a pack of twenty just keeps on
Meanwhile, despite some scattered attempts to tax vaping products
(and more sure to come in the near future), e-cigarettes and e-liquids
have largely escaped this price hike, and one of the main motivations
for making the switch is to save money in comparison to smoking.
But do you really save money by switching? And if so, how much will you save? What’s the cheapest type of device to use?
We’ve taken a look at the numbers to put together this smoking vs. vaping cost comparison.
The Cost of Smoking
much does a smoker spend each year? Well, it varies depending on your
state, as well as on the brand you smoke and how much you smoke, but to
simplify things we’re just going to use the average cost for a
pack-a-day smoker.
The Awl has made compiling the cost of smoking in different US states something of an annual tradition, and in their post for 2015,
they calculated an average cost for a pack of Marlboro Red across the
US as $7.26, ranging from $4.98 in Virginia right up to $13.50 in New
For a pack-a-day smoker, this puts the average cost
(to the nearest dollar) at about $2,650. Depending on which state you’re
in, it can range from $1,818 to $4,928.
So these are the costs we’ll be using for a year of smoking best affordable vape online. One thing is immediately clear: smoking is expensive, especially in states like New York.
How We Estimated the Cost of Vaping
Inspired by a post on Vape Emporium doing the same thing using UK figures,
we’ll be using three different setups to look at the cost of vaping for
a year. The amount you spend on vaping each year can vary a lot, and
generally speaking the type of device you opt for has a big part to play
in this.
Additionally, higher-power devices tend to be
paired with more efficient tanks and atomizers, and as a result, the
amount of e-juice you get through each day tends to increase. As well as
the limited information about how much juice vapers get through a day,
this causes additional problems when it comes to estimating how much a
year of vaping will cost.
From the Big Survey 2014 (E-Cigarette Forum)
Thankfully, there are two surveys in particular which are quite useful in making estimates. The E-Cigarette Forum’s “Big Survey” for 2014
includes data on how much e-juice vapers get through each day – with
the most common responses being 2 to 3 and 4 to 5 ml per day – and one large survey of vapers
conducted by Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos, which found an average
consumption of 3 ml per day. For cigalike users who’d quit smoking, the
average number of cartridges per day was found to be 2, but this varied
between 1 and 3 cartridges.
This latter survey suggested that mod users tend to get through more e-liquid, and this point is also backed up by a different survey from Dr. Farsalinos,
which had a larger percentage of mod users and found an average of 4 ml
consumed per day. These surveys are both a little old, though, before
the explosion in sub-ohm tanks.
So, putting this all
together, we’ll be basing the smoking vs. vaping cost comparison on
three different devices, with an estimated e-liquid / cartridge
consumption for each.
A V2 Cigs brand cigalike, with an average of 2 cartridges consumed per day.
A Kanger Subvod, with an estimated juice consumption of 4 ml per day.
An eVic VT mod, with an estimated juice consumption of 5 ml per day.
are just estimates, though, and they’re limited by our interpretation
of the surveys linked to above. We think this is pretty fair, but we’ll
also compare them using an equal e-liquid consumption across types, at 3
ml (or three cartridges) per day.
The final issue is how
much you’ll pay for e-juice for the latter two devices. This is very
hard to estimate, but we’re going to do it in two ways. First, we’ll use
the prices from Mt. Baker Vapor,
because they’re a large company that makes AE Smokes (and actually
tasty) juice. From Mt. Baker, you’ll pay $7.49 for a 30 ml bottle.
Secondly, we’ll use the average cost from the top 10 in our best e-juice flavors
list, which was voted for by our readers and yielded an average of $18
for a 30 ml bottle. This is basically how much it will cost to vape
“premium” e-liquid.
How Much Does it Cost to Vape for a Year?
Scenario One: Cigalike Device
A V2 Cigs brand starter kit – the Standard Kit – costs $39.95, and comes with ten cartridges. Each additional five-pack of cartridges costs $9.95.
you consume 2 cartridges per day, you’ll get through around 730
cartridges a year. Minus the 10 included with the kit, this means you’ll
need to buy 144 five-packs of cartridges in a year, for an additional
cost of around $1,433.
So, the total cost of vaping a cigalike device for a year would be $1,473 (to the nearest dollar).
to a year of smoking, you’ll save $1,177 by vaping this way (and more
if you bought bigger packs of cartridges). For smokers in Virginia, the
saving would reduce to $345, but for smokers in New York it would rise
to a massive $3,455.
If you vape an average of three
cartridges per day (heavy use), this would cost $2,199 per year, for an
average saving of $451 a year.
Scenario Two: eGo-Style Device
For vapers using the Kanger Subvod or a similar device, the start-up cost for the kit is around $38.95. This includes a device and a tank, with one coil, and spares available for $12.95 for a five-pack.
Assuming that a coil will last you for around two weeks of vaping,
you’ll need 26 coils per year, which is five packs of five coils in
addition to the one you get with the kit.
So the total hardware cost will be around $104 for the year.
in e-liquid, getting through 4 ml per day would mean 1,460 ml per year,
or about 49 bottles (30 ml) of juice a year. With Mt. Baker’s prices,
this would mean $367 per year on juice. With prices more like the
premium juices from our list, it would be $882 per year.
this all together, the cost would be $471 per year with standard juices
and $986 per year with what our readers voted the best juices on the
market. These represent savings in comparison to smoking of $1,664 to
$2,179 per year. If you live in Virginia, the savings are between $832
and $1,347 per year, and if you live in New York, they’re between $3,942
and $4,457.
Changing the assumption to 3 ml per day would
make it $381 for cheaper juices and $770 for premium juices. The
average saving in comparison to cigarettes would then be $1,880 to
$2,269 per year.
Scenario Three: Box Mod
Finally, using the 60 W eVic VT, the start-up cost – for the mod, tank and two coils – is $64.95. Using the same assumption for coils as before, you’d again need five packs with five coils each – priced at $12.95 – to cover you for the whole year.
This means a total hardware cost of $130 for the year.
5 ml of juice per day would mean a total of 1,825 ml per year, or 61
bottles. For Mt. Baker Vapor-like prices, this would cost you $457 per
year, and for premium prices, it would be about $1,098 per year.
the total cost would be between $587 and $1,228 per year. For the
average cost of cigarettes in the US, this represents a saving of
between $1,422 and $2,063 per year. In Virginia, you’d save between $590
and $1,231 per year, and for New York, you’d save between $3,700 and
$4,341 per year.
At a 3 ml per day e-liquid consumption
the cost would decrease to between $407 and $796, for average savings of
$1,854 to $2,243 per year.
Smoking vs. Vaping – Cost Comparison
on the scenarios above, the best option for new vapers on a budget is
to use affordable juices alongside a second-generation device, and this
is true whether you use estimated juice consumption based on the type of
device or just assume all vapers have 3 ml per day.
The situation for the estimated consumption with each type of device (compared to cigarettes on the left) is shown below:
Here, vaping eGo-style devices with affordable e-liquid is about 82 percent cheaper
than smoking. Additionally, you can see that the biggest factor is the
juice, rather than whether you use mods or eGo-style e-cigs.
If you assume an equal juice consumption (3 ml / three cartridges per day) for each type of device, it looks like this:
goes without saying that there are some limitations to this approach.
The biggest relates to the juice, both the amount you will consume per
day – since there is only limited evidence and it varies quite a lot –
and how much you’ll spend on each bottle.
Still, it’s clear that there is a big
difference between smoking and vaping, regardless of the situation.
Apart from excessive use of cigalikes, you don’t have much of a chance
of getting anywhere near the cost of smoking. If we assumed you need to
change coils twice a week, and you went through 10 ml a day of more
expensive e-liquid using a mod setup, you’d still save over
$100 in comparison to smoking. While it would be technically possible to
spend more on vaping, you’d literally be vaping like a king, all of the time.
you want to make vaping cheaper, there are tons of ways to do this, but
the two biggest possibilities are mixing your own e-juice and making
your own coils. I won’t attempt to estimate a year’s expense if you’re
doing this, but it drastically reduces the amount you need to spend on juice and coils, so the cost savings will become really huge.
Vaping is Over 80 % Cheaper and 95 % Safer Than Smoking
case for e-cigarettes from a cost perspective is solid. You can use
high-end devices and still save over 50 % compared to the price of
cigarettes, and if you’re vaping as cheaply as possible, the savings
increase to over 80 % or even more than that Avocation Exotic Smokes. And from a health
perspective, e-cigarettes are substantially safer than smoking too – 95 %
safer, according to Public Health England’s estimate – so switching is a great decision for both your health and your wallet.
Researchers are spying on your tweets, the New England Journal of Medicine
formaldehyde study is shown to be nonsense yet again, a judge in New
York has been smart enough to declare that vaping is not smoking, a new
campaign draws attention to the collateral damage from public health’s
war on smoking, more evidence-based rationality emerges from the UK,
we’re given a glimpse of more dangerous anti-vaping lunacy from Finland
and journalists are given a much-needed dose of common sense on the
(non) issue of “e-cigarette battery explosions” – it’s the Week in
E-Cigarette Research
Formaldehyde in E-Cigarettes Tackled by Competent Researchers
From Gillman, et. al. (2016) Results for the CE4 and Subtank.
Yet another study has demonstrated the serious issues with the conclusions drawn by the infamous New England Journal of Medicine
formaldehyde study. Researchers tested five different atomizers – a
CE4, Protank, Gladius, Nautilus and Subtank – at various wattages, with
most tanks being tested using an iTaste VV but the Subtank being tested
with a DNA 40 at higher wattages. The results showed that more capable
atomizers – where dry puffs were unlikely due to the effective wicking –
produced less formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acrolein, with the Subtank
producing just 0.34 micrograms of formaldehyde at 25 W compared to 8.5
micrograms per puff with the CE4 at just 5.3 watts. This drives home the
problems with the NEJM study in spectacular fashion. The study got some reasonably positive coverage in Vice.
Boring But Useful Study May Allow More Detailed Evaluations of E-Cig Emissions
Researchers from Fontem Ventures have developed a method
for measuring volatile organic compounds in e-cig vapor in “real-time,”
which would allow for studies into the puff-by-puff variation in the
chemical composition of e-cig vapor. This is one of those studies that’s
pretty important when it comes to advancing understanding of the
science behind vaping, but isn’t particularly exciting for
non-researchers. premium online e liquid juice has a write up of the study, if you’re interested.
Tanks Are Better Than Cartomizers for Consistent Nicotine Delivery
A study from Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos
– which was first released last month – shows that tank-type atomizers
offer more consistent nicotine delivery than cartomizers, and has now
been announced with a press release from the journal Addiction.
The decision to publish a press release shows the importance of the
study, particularly due to the requirement for consistency in nicotine
delivery as part of the EU’s Tobacco Products Directive.
Spying on Vapers’ Tweets
Researchers at the NYU Langone Medical Center have been looking at huge numbers of tweets
with hashtags like #vape #ecigs and #ejuice in the hope of inferring
who is using them to quit smoking, who uses them for other reasons and
how they’re being marketed. In other words, we can expect to see a
“e-cigs are marketed to teens, who aren’t even trying to quit smoking”
headline soon based on some spurious analysis of tweets.
Why You Shouldn’t Trust Headlines Based on Cell Studies of E-Cig Vapor
Brad Rodu has published an informative blog post
about the recent spate of scaremongering headlines based on laboratory
studies of the effects of e-cigarette vapor on cells in petri dishes. In
short, the post points out that human bodies are much more complex than
these artificial experiments, and are generally considerably more
resistant to low doses of chemicals.
He writes:
should not be fooled by the irresponsible transformation of weak
cause-and-effect analyses into hypothetical illnesses. Largely harmless
products can be portrayed quite readily as dangers – coffee, for
example, has not been linked to any serious disease, but one could point
to lab studies showing that coffee kills cells (here and here) and promotes cancers (here). These claims would have about as much scientific credibility as the current claims against e-cigarettes.
Legislation, Regulation and Vaping Bans
NY Judge Rules Vaping is Not Smoking
In New York state, a court has ruled that vaping is not smoking,
and therefore the ban on smoking across the state does not
automatically apply to vaping. The case involved a man who received a
citation for vaping on a subway platform, but challenged the decision.
The judge pointed out that New York law defines smoking as “the burning
of a lighted cigar, cigarette, pipe or any other matter or substance
which contains tobacco,” online e liquid juice and this is clearly not applicable to vaping.
In New York City, there is a law specifically including vaping in the
smoking ban, but the judge ruled that, at state level, existing law
doesn’t cover vaping.
More Vaping Bans
Orange County will be proposing a ban on vaping
in areas where smoking is already banned this year, accompanied by the
usual statements about the potential for health risks to bystanders and
the children. Coralville, Iowa is considering doing the same thing, and will vote on the proposal on Tuesday night.
Utah E-Cig Taxation Madness
the proposal in Utah to introduce an 86 % tax on vaping products and
the “Students Against Electronic Vaping” group busing in school students
to support the tax, there have allegedly been some threats
against the group’s members from members of the Utah Vapor Association
and the Utah Smoke Free Association. Why this would have happened is
anyone’s guess; it’s hardly like the bunch of misled students is going
to shape the decision.
Michelle Minton has written a great post
over at the Competitive Enterprise Institute about Utah’s raft of
irrational, unnecessarily burdensome proposals to tax vaping and ban
vaping for anybody under the age of 21. She draws attention to the
declines in smoking accompanying the rise in vaping among Utah youth,
and quotes Jeff Stier, who hits the problem with taxing vaping on the
head: “If the point of a sin tax is to discourage behavior, why would
you put a sin tax on e-cigarettes, which are the alternative to
SEVIA USA Formed to Combat E-Cig Regulation
Chinese manufacturers Aspire, Kanger, Innokin and Smok have formed SEVIA (Shenzen Electronic Vaporizer Industry Association) USA
with the help of Dimitris Agrafoitis and Phil Busardo, with the hopes
of helping on the front-lines against the excessive and needlessly
burdensome regulation proposed for vaping products in the US.
Australia Needs to Learn From the UK on Vaping
A guest post on AE Smokes Files from Terry Barnes
urges sensible regulation of e-cigarettes in Australia, drawing
attention to the UK’s forward-thinking approach with regards to the
technology and the perils of just assuming they’re dangerous and
imposing stringent regulations just because you can.
News, Blog Posts and Other Stuff
A new campaign – No More Casualties
– has been launched by NotBlowingSmoke and its creator Stefan Didak,
aiming to draw attention to the potential consequences of the continuous
spread of misinformation about vaping. Special interest groups like the
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and ones who should be more
objective, like the CDC and the California Department of Public Health
have been pushing an extremely misleading message that vaping is as
harmful as smoking in the aims of protecting “the children,” while
completely ignoring the disastrous effects it could have on adult
smokers. The campaign sums it up: “Don’t make me a casualty of your war
on smoking.”
A briefing on e-cigarettes
for stop smoking services in the UK has been released, which continues
in the impressively rational take on the issue of vaping. Clive Bates
has a blog post on it, entitled “Blending evidence and empathy”
– which really hits at the core of what those opposed to smoking need
to do when it comes to vaping – and Dick Puddlecote has a post entitled “Slaughtering Sacred Cows”
which focuses on the various ways in which the report skewers many of
the anti-vaping tropes we’ve all become wearily accustomed to.
Fergus Mason has published a great post
about e-cigarette batteries, presented as a guide for journalists and
focusing on the one key point that basically nullifies all of the
supposed concern about “e-cigarette battery explosions” – “There is no
such thing as an e-cigarette battery.” Because all e-cigarette
batteries are lithium batteries, just like the ones in phones, laptops,
hoverboards, electric cars and pretty much all modern consumer
electronics. This simple point has either eluded all of the best
journalists in the world or would undermine the fear they wish to evoke.
No prizes for guessing which.
Juhani Orelma has published another interesting (read: infuriating) translation of some discussion of e-cigarettes from Finland.
The chairman of the country’s branch of ASH repeated scare stories
about youth vaping and gateway effects, as well as promoting the results
of Stanton Glantz’s disastrous meta-analysis of a bunch of
poorly-conducted studies, which concluded that e-cigarettes impede
quitting. Possibly worst of all, chairman Pekka Puska claims that Public
Health England’s estimate that e-cigarettes are 95 % safer than smoking
“is based on only a single study, which is funded by electronic
cigarette and cigarette companies.” Assumedly he thinks the other
180-plus studies referenced had nothing to do with it.
Guide to Vaping has published an informative post on the effect of vaping on airway cells, using a study from last year as a guide and discussing the results and what they mean for vapers.
Nicotine Science and Policy has a good post
on the lazy critiques of tobacco-industry funded research into
e-cigarettes. Neil McKeganey and Christopher Russell make the argument
that there is no evidence of foul play in recent research funded by the
tobacco industry, and that criticisms tend to rely on evidence from
decades ago and simply assume it’s still going on. They call it the new McCarthyism.
Bullshit of the Week – “Vaping is Really Bad for You, Because, err… the Immune System… Or Something”
how the main risk from smoking is that it suppresses the immune system?
No, neither do I. This is probably because smoking causes cancer, heart
problems and a whole host of other conditions, and is so unilaterally
dangerous that the impacts on your immune system barely ever receive a
However, an article over at the Viral Pirate – clearly
a great source for health-related information – has decided that vaping
is “really fucking bad for you” because of the study last week that
found that e-cig have a bigger effect on the expression of genes related
to the immune system than cigarettes. Never mind that the practical
implications of this aren’t actually known, the intrepid experts over at
the Viral Pirate says this mean “[vaping] could actually be worse than
regular cigarettes.”
Well, the Viral Pirate has spoken, everyone – back to cigarettes for us!
That’s it for This Week!
always, we’ve aimed to cover as much as possible this week, but let us
know in the comments if we’ve missed any important stories! And if not,
check back next week for another edition.